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1 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Fri, Nov 19, 2010 12:32:43pm
Heritage Foundation crap

I’ve seen a couple of links to this foundation’s articles here before, but I know very little about them. A google search mostly just turns up scads of links to other HF sources or like minded ones.

Do you have a link handy with more about the HF that does not come from them? Please don’t put yourself out to find one if you don’t already have one handy, as I can keep searching just as well.


2 Mad Prophet Ludwig  Fri, Nov 19, 2010 12:41:19pm

re: #1 Slumbering Behemoth

I’ve seen a couple of links to this foundation’s articles here before, but I know very little about them. A google search mostly just turns up scads of links to other HF sources or like minded ones.

Do you have a link handy with more about the HF that does not come from them? Please don’t put yourself out to find one if you don’t already have one handy, as I can keep searching just as well.


Rachel Maddow did a fabulous bit about them supporting slavery. You read that correctly.

Youtube Video

In the science world, they are particularly reviled. If you go to many of the pro-science advocacy sites you will find a number of discussions about how many in the AGW denier world get its talking points from them.

Or you can just go to their page, look at the talking points and go to a debunking.

3 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Fri, Nov 19, 2010 12:43:48pm

re: #2 LudwigVanQuixote

Thanks dude. Looking at the vid now.

4 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Fri, Nov 19, 2010 1:06:07pm

re: #2 LudwigVanQuixote

Wow. Wish I could upding that link again.

“You child labor endorsing, pro-slavery freaks.”

She’s being far too kind there, I think.

5 Mad Prophet Ludwig  Fri, Nov 19, 2010 1:09:59pm

re: #4 Slumbering Behemoth

Wow. Wish I could upding that link again.

“You child labor endorsing, pro-slavery freaks.”

She’s being far too kind there, I think.

Yeah they are pure evil. To hear someone in a black hat quote them makes me want to die inside.

6 Buck  Fri, Nov 19, 2010 4:25:06pm

Attacking a jew, is not the same as attacking the jews.

Calling Soros a billionaire is not a generalization like all jews love money.

Calling out George Soros and His Campaign to Buy the US Presidency is not the same as saying jews are plotting to get their candidate be the presidency.

Pointing out when George Soros calls the President (Bush) Hitler is not the same as calling all jews antisemites.

Talking about George Soros spending his money to manipulate the media is NOT the same as saying Jews manipulate the media.

7 Logician  Fri, Nov 19, 2010 6:50:18pm
You do not get more Nazi than this.

That is a false and disturbing statement.

Please look at this actual Nazi propaganda link.


Please look at it. See it for yourself. Compare and contrast.

It is not even remotely similar. To pick out one dissimilarity of many (and to echo Buck above): the actual Nazi text is not about just one Jew.

8 Mad Prophet Ludwig  Sat, Nov 20, 2010 6:27:09pm

re: #6 Buck

re: #7 Logician

So both of you refuse to see any of the parallels and make lame excuses.

I would expect as much really.

So just to point out the image of he crooked Jew with money corrupting the government and harped on by little fascists is not even a dog whistle. It is out in the open.

Of course you were the ones who thought that picturing Obama with a bone through his nose wasn’t racist either or a play on any particular stereotypes of black people. I pasted you then for being an asshole and I am going to paste you now for being one.

Buck, your links are lame even for you as a “justification” of ignoring things.

To both of you, something should be clear.

Don’t tell a Jew what constitutes obvious anti-semitism. Don’t tell a Jew what the protocols look like (puppet stings are on most covers you fuckers) or what smears are in them. Don’t tell me the animals at stormfron aren’t hearing it loud and clear.

You two shit for brains want to kneejerk defend Nazi filth and I will start looking at you as such.

9 Buck  Sun, Nov 21, 2010 5:32:19pm

re: #8 LudwigVanQuixote

re: #7 Logician
Don’t tell a Jew what constitutes obvious anti-semitism. Don’t tell a Jew what the protocols look like (puppet stings e on most covers you fuckers) or what smears are in them. Don’t tell me the animals at stormfron aren’t hearing it loud and clear.

You two shit for brains want to kneejerk defend Nazi filth and I will start looking at you as such.

I am Jewish. I am even a Cohen. My hebrew name is Chaim Mendal. I lived in Israel for 2 years when I was younger, and visit often. I was bar mitzvahed in an conservative orthodox synagogue (Herzalia at the corner of Brock and Fleet in Winnipeg).

Ironic, you have no problem telling me “what constitutes obvious anti-semitism.”

NOW, I could repeat what I wrote in #6, as it still applies. However I would simply add…

Your name calling, which you freely substitute for debate points, outs you.

10 Mad Prophet Ludwig  Sun, Nov 21, 2010 7:11:04pm

re: #9 Buck

What you wrote in number six was that Soros compared W. to Hitler. Even if he had done that, which he didn’t, NOTHING, justifies all the right wing dog whistles and language and imagery straight out of the Protocols.

But just to point out how you can not be bothered to read your own link:

Soros believes a “supremacist ideology” guides this White House. He hears echoes in its rhetoric of his childhood in occupied Hungary. “When I hear Bush say, ‘You’re either with us or against us,’ it reminds me of the Germans.” It conjures up memories, he said, of Nazi slogans on the walls, Der Feind Hort mit (“The enemy is listening”): “My experiences under Nazi and Soviet rule have sensitized me,” he said in a soft Hungarian accent.

Hmmmm… the talking points started by W. and Rove reminds him of the propaganda of totalitarians he suffered under in his youth. That is not even close the same as saying Bush = Hitler.

Reading the other link you provided will show they don’t exactly say what you think, and even if they did, it still would not change any of the things I have pointed out.

How do you refute the rising ultra nationalist, corporate led race bating similarities?

You don’t even address that.

So you are a fellow Jew? OK, we Jews generally know how to read. Why don’t you demonstrate that before pushing nonsense.

11 Mad Prophet Ludwig  Sun, Nov 21, 2010 7:12:04pm

And mr. Skandal, come out and play.

12 Buck  Tue, Nov 23, 2010 8:26:12am

I see a greater anti semitism from the left. It was very clear during the Bush administration.

Your debating skills seem to start with name calling, and then when that doesn’t make people go away, you fill your posts with your OPINION that the what they say isn’t what they think it says.

This is simple. You have a MUCH lower standard for calling someone a nazi. You have a MUCH lower standard in saying that someone ‘defends nazi filth’.

I repeat, attacking a jew, is not the same as attacking the jews. Beck is clearly ANTI SOROS. So am I. Does that make me a Nazi? Clearly in your world it does.

Beck has done many things that demonstrates that he is in fact a friend of the Jewish people, and a friend of Israel.

13 Mad Prophet Ludwig  Tue, Nov 23, 2010 8:45:58am

re: #12 Buck

Clearly you can’t read Buck. Your hatred of Soros would not exist if not for all of the rightwing propaganda you read. Even so, for all of your hyperventilation here, you are nothing close to Beck. Personally, I am neither Soros’s biggest fan nor his foe. But that is neither here or there.

You do not go around making references from the protocols of the elders of zion. You don’t put graphics up of Magen Davids fading into Doros’s head. You do not dedicate the theme of your writing in terms of puppet stings.

It would be very good if you just ead the post - and then re-read it until you understand what it says.

14 Michael Orion Powell  Wed, Nov 24, 2010 12:08:37pm
I have argued long and hard with leftwing Jews who just refuse to believe that anything of the sort could happen in America. They oppose the teabags, and surely they think all the parallels I cite are valid, but they feel my concerns are too extreme. They like to quibble about little philosophical differences between the historical Nazis and the current American manifestation of a proto-Nazi movement. They want to believe that something like that can’t happen here.

I’ve had the same experience. I’ve been trying to cover Glenn Beck and the movement he’s trying to create and alot of people who are generally left-wing said, “Sure, there’s always extremes.” I don’t think people want to accept how far in to the nether region the Right is delving.

15 What, me worry?  Wed, Nov 24, 2010 12:27:07pm

re: #6 Buck

re: #7 Logician

When one Jew is discredited or arrested, moreso if money is involved, it’s a dog whistle for every racist to spew hatred. You want to say it isn’t so? Then say it, but you’re out of touch with reality.

Liveleak Video

Anti-Semitism Floods Internet After Madoff Scandal

Anti-Jewish commentary is flooding the Internet in the wake of Bernard Madoff’s arrest on charges of masterminding one of the biggest Wall Street frauds in history, campaigners said Friday.

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) said there had been “an outpouring of anti-Semitic comments on mainstream and extremist Web sites.”

(I’m not sure why that link is coming up as a video, but there only seems to be the article attached.)

Anyway, right on Ludwig :)

16 Mad Prophet Ludwig  Wed, Nov 24, 2010 5:03:47pm

re: #14 OrionXP

re: #15 marjoriemoon

Thanks both of you.

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